Rabbanaa,, maa khalaqta haadzaa baatila...

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Syaikh Keren

"Azzamul qur'an, fahuwa dusturukum, wa kalamu rabbikum,
wahuwa syafi'ul musyafa'u yaumal qiyaamah.
Fa inna lahu lakhalaawah, wa inna 'alaihil thalaawah.
Wa inna a'la u wa mutsmir, wa inna ashfalahu la mughdiq.
Wa innahu laa ya'la walaa yu'la 'alaih..."

-Shariif Sayyid Musthafa Hassanien-
12 yrs old, hafidzul Qur'an in 3 months

Qur'an is your prescribed way of life, it's the word of your Lord.
and it's the accepted interceder on the day of judgement.
it's the speech that's beautiful in content, beautiful articulated.
-like a well- rooted tree, with tasteful fruits.
and it's the best, and no speech can get any better.

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